
Installing and Removing Hot-Pluggable Transceivers

Due to the continuous development of transceiver technologies, most transceivers are now hot-pluggable to be installed or removed from the equipment without shutting down the system. This helps keep the regular operation of system without significant interruption which ensures the working efficiency. However, when it comes to the practical operation, do you know the specific steps for installing and removing hot-pluggable transceivers? Here will take bale clasp SFP and pull tab QSFP+ transceivers as examples. You may regard this article as a reference for your own application.
Installing and Removing SFP Modules
Installing Procedure
  • Step 1, attach an ESD (electro-static discharge) wist strap to your wrist and to the ESD ground connector or a bare metal surface on your chassis.
  • Step 2, remove the SFP transceiver module from its protective packaging.
  • Step 3, check the label on the SFP transceiver to verify that you have the right module for your network.
  • Step 4, close the bale clasp before inserting the SFP transceiver.
  • Step 5, put the SFP transceiver in front of the socket opening.
  • Step 6, hold the SFP transceiver by its sides, and insert the module into the port on the switch.
  • Step 7, slide the SFP transceiver into the port until you hear the click.
Removing Procedure
  • Step 1, attach an ESD wrist strap to your wrist and and a properly grounded point on the chassis or the rack.
  • Step 2, disconnect and remove interface cable from the SFP transceiver.
  • Step 3, open the bale clasp on the SFP transceiver with your index finger in a downward direction. If the bale clasp is obstructed, use a small flat-blade screwdriver to open it.
  • Step 4, grasp the SFP module between your thumb and index finger and carefully remove it from the port.
Installing and Removing QSFP+ Modules
Installing Procedure
  • Step 1, attach an ESD grounding strap to your bare wrist and connect it to the ESD point on the chassis.
  • Step 2, remove the QSFP+ transceiver from its antistatic container and remove the dust cover from the modular optical connector.
  • Step 3, check the label on the QSFP+ transceiver to verify that you connect the correct transceiver for your network.
  • Step 4, for QSFP+ transceivers equipped with a pull-tab, hold the transceiver so that the identifier label is on the top.
  • Step 5, align the QSFP+ transceiver in front of the module's transceiver socket opening and carefully slide the QSFP+ transceiver into the socket until the transceiver makes contact with the socket electrical connector.
  • Step 6, press firmly on the front of the QSFP+ transceiver with your thumb to fully seat the transceiver in the module's transceiver socket.
Removing Procedure
  • Step 1, attach an ESD wrist strap to your wrist and and a properly grounded point on the chassis or the rack.
  • Step 2, disconnect the network interface cable from the QSFP+ transceiver connector.
  • Step 3, immediately install the dust plug into the transceiver's optical bore.
  • Step 4, grasp the tab and gently pull to release the transceiver from the socket.
  • Step 5, slide the transceiver out of the socket.
  • Step 6, place the QSFP+ transceiver into an antistatic bag.
Ways to Verify Transceiver Installation
You may use the display transceiver interface command to check the installation. The transceiver is proved to be installed correctly if its information is correctly displayed. On the contrary, there will be an error. You may remove the transceiver and reinstall it again. To check the interface status, you need to enter the interface view of the target transceiver module and perform the display command. If the interface has been shut down, perform the undo shutdown command to activate it.
Suggestions for Safety Manipulation
  • Point 1, after the installation, do not remove the dust plug if you do not connect a fiber cable to the module.
  • Point 2, do not plug the transceiver installed with a fiber into the port.
  • Point 3, if the laser optic module is too hot to touch, disengage the laser optic module and allow it to cool before removing it completely.
  • Point 4, do not look directly into a fiber port on the switch or ends of a fiber cable when they are powered on.
  • Point 5, do not pull out the transceiver by force.
When installing and removing hot-pluggable transceivers, you should follow the steps and safety cautions to perform a secure installation. The above procedures are for reference only. Different types of transceivers may have slight procedure differences. Please consult professional technicians in case any unnecessary problem occurs.

